
Kashif Ali Mirza

CENTRAL PRESIDENT All Pakistan Private Schools' Federation

Mirza Kashif Ali, is a world-renowned scholar and education activist who has extensively dealt with Education and represented Pakistan in all over the world for education and private schools, and President of All Pakistan Private Schools Federation – APPSF, which is the only representative and registered Federation of private schools, with 300 plus registered Associations for private schools with 207,000 private schools, 1.5 million teachers and 26 million students in all over the Pakistan including Azad Kashmir & Gilgit Baltistan GB. Educated at Forman Christian College, Government College and Punjab University, he did masters in Economics, Management, Business, Law and English. He is also an author of 2 books and published 93 research reports, and a renowned columnist who wrote many articles on current affairs in both languages English and Urdu, published in renowned national and International papers. He also served as Advisor to Governor Punjab and Chief Minister for Education and Sports. He is a widely traveled person who visited more than fifty countries around the world. He had represented Pakistan at numerous international conferences and presented papers.

11.45 - 13.15

Thursday 22nd-June

Panel discussion 01 How geared are we to accelerate foundational learning?

How you transform your business as technology, consumer, habits industry dynamics change? Find out from those leading the charge. How you transform